22 Minutes...that is approximately the time it took for commandos from the Marshal Shaposhnikov to finish a deadly siege with Somali pirates aboard a Moscow University Russian tanker in the Gulf of Aden back in the summer of 2010. The incident has since been adapted for the screen as a contained action thriller by writer Igor Porublev and director Vasily Serikov, and bears some impressive qualities that make the film look like a extremely fascinating sell.
22 Minutes stars lead actor Makar Zaporozhsky, along with Denis Nikiforov, Victor Sukhorukov, Ekaterina Malikova, Gael Kamilindi and Eebra Tooré. The film is slated for a release this November according to 24FramesPerSecond.net.
Check out the new trailer beneath. The footage did not bring any English subs, but it has a tiny bit of dialogue. Just a small.
A new huge-scale action from the creators of ShadowBoxing trilogy dwells on heroic liberation of the Russian tanker seized by Somali pirates.
Newcomer jarhead Sanya Ezhov finds himself in a tanker commandeered by pirates gang. He demands to survive and to help his buddies throughout the most complicated situations.
The film is based on actual events that took spot on Could 5th, 2010, when the Marines BOD "Marshal Shaposhnikov" below a bomb threat have released a Russian tanker "Moscow University" taken in the Gulf of Aden by pirates. Blue berets group had only 22 minutes to complete the operation with no appropriate for error.
Russian Commandos Battle Somali Pirates In The New Russian Thriller, 22
9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
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