It's been quite a while given that I saw actor, performer and action director Manu Lanzi on screen. Nevertheless, the multi-faceted stunt actor and performer has an exemplary resumé functioning on such film properties as The Transporter, Taken, Samurai, Kiss Of The Dragon, The Musketeer, Brotherhood Of The Wolf, District B13, Unleashed, JCVD and Jackie Chan's newest, Chinese Zodiac.
To me though, his most memorable performance was with fellow actor and fight choreographer Patrick Vo in writer/director Aurélien Poitrimoult's 2006 action jam-packed superhero short, The Green Hornet, primarily based on the classic 1930's radio and Television character of the exact same name. Accordingly with today's debut, Lanzi returns the trend with his newest shortfilm now available on his Vimeo channel, Hero ??, with co-star Alban Lenoir, taking viewers on a gritty, dark, much less-glamourous journey of a talented fighter who is forced to confront a dilemna when raw footage of a daytime assault catches him on tape performing practically nothing to cease it.
The film is brilliantly created with Lanzi giving a single of the very best standalone performances I have observed from him in his time as an up-and-coming actor and stunt coordinator. The action is gruesome and visceral as it gets with our masked vigilante taking on half a dozen thugs in a dark alley. Heads are smashed, bones are's too cool to miss!
However, it's all in French with no subtitles, but hopefully this is not an issue for you.
Be sure to subscribe to Manu's Vimeo channel, and watch the shortfilm to catch my great acquaintaint Anthony Pho at the 2:58 mark in the brown jacket. I had the honor of meeting him back in late May when we went to see Right after Earth. (Click here for the video!)
A Conflict Of Interest Looms For A Gifted Fighter In Manu Lanzi's New
French Shortfilm, HERO ??
9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
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